#6.4 Co-parenting, Money, and Adult Children

on Thu Apr 11 2024 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
with Darren W Pulsipher, Paige Pulsipher,
In the world of blended families, navigating issues related to co-parenting adult children can be complex and challenging. Some familiar questions might center on the financial responsibility of each parent in relation to costs like college fees, health insurance, and other unforeseen expenses. This post examines the convolutions faced by co-parents, particularly with regards to shared-cost decisions and financial commitments to their adult children.
#blended #coparenting #financialconsiderations #adultchildren #blendedfamilies #sharedcosts #collegefees #healthinsurance #coparentingchallenges #divorce #financialresponsibility #legalgrayareas #obamacare #medicalbills #costsharing #decisionmaking #divorcedparents #financialdisputes #financialindependence #parentalresponsibilities #equityinexpenses #communication #mutualunderstanding
Financial Responsibility and Legal Gray Areas
The transition of children from dependents to independent adults sometimes leaves co-parents in gray areas regarding who pays for what. For instance, health insurance is a significant aspect that often falls into this gray area. Under Obamacare, children can retain their health coverage under their parent’s insurance until they are 26. This is a great relief for parents who, like Darren, incurred no additional cost in providing health insurance for their older children.
However, the issue of who should handle unexpected medical bills is more complex. A real-life example shows that deciding who should foot the bill can be contentious when an adult child falls sick while visiting one parent. These kinds of situations can cause disagreements and stress for both parents and the young adult. Therefore, the need for clearly delineated responsibilities in such scenarios is very apparent.
The Shared Cost Concept
The challenges encountered in dealing with unexpected bills for grown-up children may require parents to rethink the tenets of sharing costs. A couple of questions arise in such situations. For instance, do both parents have equal decision-making rights? And does who pays what influence these decisions? These issues can be pretty knotty, with the child often stuck in the middle of the confusion.
As Paige discovered, the problem of how to split costs for adult children among divorced couples needs to be more well-researched. An apparent solution is to specify how to share financial responsibilities for adult children in the divorce decree. Despite its obvious benefits, the downside to this idea may be its potential to hinder the young adult’s drive towards financial independence or completion of college.
Maintaining Financial Integrity among Co-parenting Adults
Recognizing that co-parenting doesn’t necessarily end when a child turns eighteen is critical. More than ever, co-parents must set clear boundaries and communicate effectively about their financial responsibilities towards their adult children. Doing so removes any ambiguity and reduces the chances of misunderstanding. As Paige emphasizes, drafting these boundaries can help keep the young adult away from the potentially negative impacts of financial disputes.
Navigating financial responsibilities toward grown-up children as co-parents requires a delicate balance. Parents must consider fostering their children’s independence while maintaining fairness and equity in shouldering expenses. The entire process is a learning experience, but ultimately, it underscores the need for clear communication and mutual understanding among co-parents.
Lemonade Moment of the Week
We went to Texas to see the total eclipse. The skies were covered in clouds, and we thought we were not going to see the eclipse after all. Then, the clouds parted just in time, and it was cloudy again right after the eclipse. We were ready to find lemonade even if we didn’t see the eclipse. One cute baby made the trip– totally worth it!
Happy Grandson
The crew watching the eclipse
Grandson ready for the eclipse
- Typically when kids turn 18 and graduate from high school, child support and co-parenting ends. What is in your divorce decree for when the kids turn 18? Is that important to add?
- Just David left at home. Still has a custody schedule. What about when college kids come home? Do they follow the schedule? What about next summer after our last one has graduated, do we still do a summer schedule for him?
- Who pays for what after the kids turn 18? Medical? Dental? College? Flights home? Computers? Cars? Car insurance?
- Are you putting the kids in the middle of you and your ex? Are you doing what is best for the child or just wanting to stick it to your ex still? Check yourself.
Podcast Transcript
So do we pay their medical billsthe same way?
I'm trying.
We haven't figured. That out yet.
We still have.
And I think we still muddle through thisevery time.
Yeah, every time.
That's badbecause our kids our kids are like,
Do I ask Dad? Yes.
Emergency room visit. Because.
And it's funnybecause the kids always ask.
My adult kids,they say, Is that deductible?
Yeah. Yeah.
Can you tell me if the deductible. Right.
Hello, this is Darren.
And this is Paige.
And this is where Lemonade.
Where we talk about what happenswhen life through you, lemons.
You make some lemonade.
Maybe some weeks. It's lemons.
Yeah, some weeks it's just lemons.
On today's episode.
We are going to talk aboutco-parenting money and adult children.
Sounds interesting.
Okay, We're we're at a stagein our liveswhere of the ten kids that we have,we have one child left.
All the rest are adults. Yep.
We have two kids at home, but one is 18and one is 17.
And he will be graduating in a monthand a half.
So I know
Paige is going to have a rough time.
We're not getting a dog to fill the void.
Not yet.
No, not yet.
So. So with with a lot of changesin our lives, we we, we've runinto a couple of situations where,hey, co-parenting and moneyand then adult children to pay for thingslike weddings or collegeor even trips home to visit us.
All these things are are thingswe have to deal withthat most familiesdon't have to deal with.
When you've got co-parenting going onand things like that.
So it can get a little tricky.
It can.
And, you know,do you do you still work with your ex onthese things when your kids turn 18,or do you put the kids in the middleand go, well, I'm done paying for things,so maybe talk to your momor talk to your dad about that.
You know what I mean?
It's a it can be a tricky thing.
It can.
So you the research department ofwhere is eliminate, which is paid?
There's not a whole lot of information.
Usually I find several articles on what
I want to talk about for our podcast.
And there was not several articles.
In fact, the only article you found wasa was a law.
It was really a marketing thing.
It was like call one 800 lawyerand we'll help you with these.
And then it talked aboutwhy you would want to call them.
And you know,and it talked a little bit aboutyou know, in their in their state.
I don't remember what state this was in.
You know, whatwhat happens when a kid turns 18.
So the only thing I could find was like,read itarticles of peoplethat were talking about it.
But I didn't find any written publishedarticles on this topic.
So what spurred would spurred youto come up with this topic?
Was it something on Facebookor was it our own experience?
What was it? A Both.
We've had our own experience,which we will get into in a minute.
And then I looked on our
Facebook Blended Familiesgroup and people were talking about thisand how do we handle thiswhen the kid turns 18and they still need thingsand they still might need, you know,financial support or, you know, how do youhow are you dealing with this? So.
So so it is a little differentin each state.
But most states have a childis still underthe parenting agreement, which means childsupport is paid and splitcostson extracurriculars, whateverthe court order is.
But most of it is when they're 18and they graduate from collegeor a high school or 19 years old.
So yeah, you have to.
So we had one case where Julianne was 17when she graduated from high school,so we still had to payfor her extracurriculars for a couplemore months until she turned 18.
But in the case of many of our other kids,they actually turned 18well before they graduated.
But they were still partof the parenting agreementuntil they graduate from high school.
Yep, that is true.
So when that happens to your kids, whenyour child graduates from high school.
It's a party.
Is that it? That's it. You're done.
You're done.
That's it.
Like, you know what I mean?
Like, it's an interesting thing, so.
Well, you this is something that maybewhen you get divorced,when your kids are little,you do not thinkabout putting anything about thisin your divorce decree,about what happenswhen your child turns 18.
We we actually did in mine,we actually set up ait was called an educational trustfor the kidsbecause we knew they were wewe had the benefit of one of our kidswas already 17 when we got divorced.
So we knew, hey,
I got to pay for school or missions or,you know, weddings,whatever the case may be.
So we actually set up a trustand put money into that trust every monththat later on got dissolved,which turned out to be good and bad.
Right? Right.
Because if the trust was still there,then there's no questions.
When they're adults,the money's already been set aside.
But in your case,everything in the trust wasfrom your income, from your.
Well, because my ex didn'thave an income. Right.
But I'm just saying, you know,that changes over time.
Right. Yeah, that's true.
So I was kind of gladwhen it was dissolved because,you know,then it was more of an equal balance.
But now every timethere's an event like a wedding,you know, I'mnot communicating with my exhow much money I'm putting on.
Our kids get put in the middle.
Yeah, they do.
Instead of saying, Hey,there's a certain amount of moneyallocated for weddings from the trust, so.
It's it's a double edged,you know, there's benefits and.
And. Right.
So do you think it would be beneficialto put somethingspecific in the divorce decreefor when your kids turn 18?
I think so.
Do you think that's a good idea?
I think so.
It would alleviate some of the awkwardnessthat happens sometimes.
Becauselike I said, when your kids are little,you don't think about, okay, so your kidturns 18, your kid goes to college.
First of all, you have to decidewho's paying for college is a kid.
Pain is the mom pain?
Is that pain, Evil pain. Right.
Who's doing that then?
How about health insurance?
Is the personstill paying for health insurance?
What about when your kid goesto the doctor?
We will talk about thisand have a huge bill.
Are you splitting that?
So, yeah,let's talk about health insurance,because this one, this one'san interesting one because of Obamacare.
Now kids can stay on their parentsinsurance until they're 26 years old.
Now, because I have to carry insurancefor the kids that are in the house,all the kids that are adultshave just stayed on my insurance.
That was in the court decreefor the for the parenting agreementthat I had to providehealth insurance for the kids.
But when they turned adult,it didn't cost me any moreto continue keeping them on my insurance.
So they just did.
Yeah, but what that meansis that's until they're 26.
So if they do get a big billand we haven't met our deductible yet,who's going to pay for that?
Who's going to pay for that?
So, yeah, these are allthese are all questions that I like
I said, when you're getting divorcedand you have little kids,you don't think about any of these things,but it's going to comeand you got to figure it out.
Well, but they're adults now.
So because our child turned 18,they now have to payfor their medical insuranceand their medical bills.
And. No, but what about when they're 25?
Well, that's different.
That's At what age is it different?
Well, we have always kind of had a for us,like we pay for the kidscell phone, even through college.
We've paid for them.
When for us, it was when you get married,if you're if you'reresponsible enough to get married,you can pay your own phone bill.
Or when you graduate from college.
Or when you graduate from college,that's kind of been our boundary, right?
Like we'll pay for your cell phoneand we pay, you know, obviouslythey're on our medical insurance.
So do we pay their medical billsthe same way?
I'm trying.
But we haven't figured. That out yet.
We still have.
I think we still muddle through thisevery time.
Yeah, every time. That's badbecause ourkids our kids are like, Do I ask Dad? Yes.
Emergency room visit becauseand it's funny because the kids always askmy adult kids, they say, Is it deductible?
Yeah. Yeah.
Can you tell me if the deductible.
Right. Yeah.
So yeah, it's it's interesting.
Okay. So, so.
That's something we, we probably shouldhave established with the kids up front.
Right. Look, will pay.
I'll pay for your insurance, but I'm notpaying for your medical bills or am intel.
But then is that a decent.
Does that dis what's the right word?
Demotivate them from finishing college.
We say.
I don't think so,but let's talk about that for a second.
So something that happened withus so with us recently isour daughter who's in college.
She was coming home at Christmasand your exsaid,can you please pay for half of her flight?
And so this was a this was an interestingone for us because we were like,normally we would be like, sure,no problem.
But the flight had already been booked.
We didn't have any input.
You could have used points like,you know, all those things.
We were like, do you know? I mean, like.
So yeah, there was almost like thisassumption, Well, you have to payhalf, right?
And I think it was justbecause I don't think it was anything.
It wasn't malicious. Malicious?
No, It was just like, well,this is what we do.
We split these thingsand then we were sitting there going,
Well, you know, if, if I if we're goingto be asked to pay for thingswhich we don't have a problem with that,do weget some input on that type of thing.
Do we get an input onhow much the flight is?
I could use.
Pointsor or when the flight comes in. Right.
So we get it. Do we get any say?
And then another thing that happenedvery shortly after that when we were stilltrying to decide if we were goingto, you know, reimburseyour ex,that that same daughter went to.
She she had an emergency.
She had an emergency. She went to theshe went to the E.R..
And of course, at the beginningof the year, when the deductibleis zero, Right.
Where we haven'tgot any part of the deductible. Yes.
So she went to the E.R.and it was I think the total bill ended upbeing 500 and something dollars.
And so then we were like, okay, sodo we nowask your ex to pay for half of that?
Do we just you know what I mean?
Like, we werewe were sitting here in this.
Conundrum of and I think we'veprobably been in this conundrum before,but it's beenbecause there was a such a big.
Age, there's a six year gap.
We have forgotten what we werewhat we did.
Well, early part of meon the on the health insurance side,we always meet our deductiblewith as many people as we have on there.
Yeah,but that's not going to be the casecoming up soon, right, Because.the less people we have. On it,we have on it.
So in the past it's like, well,we're going to meet the deductible anyway.
We might as well just pay it becausewe're going to hit the deductible, right?
So right stuff.
But that's not going to be the casemoving forward.
Because so we kind ofwe kind of just made the decision that,well, if we'll pay the medical billand even our daughter was like,she didn't want to ask usif we were paying.
So she called and she was like,
So I got a noticethat this is overdue,so I need to pay that right.
Our kids are so they're so funny.
They won't just come out and say,
Can you pay this?
Or are you or are you paying this?
You know, just are you going to pay thisor do I need to pay this?
So we told her, we'll take care of it.
She's 18.
Of course we'll take care of it.
So I think we decided that.
If we decided on a case by casebasis, case.
By case, I guess I don't know.
But we decidedthat we were not going to reimburse her exfor the plane flightbecause we're still payingfor medical insuranceand the medical bills.
So we thought that was fair.
I don't know.
It's funny because nothing's written down.
No, because this is outsidethe realm of the parenting group.
Yeah. So that's a good question.
I don't want to have anythingwritten down. Right.
Because that becomes some kind of legal
I don't knowif that was a legal contract,but there's expectations there.
So this one's.
And dental, we still pay for dentalfor kids with college kids.
We pay for their phones.
So well, not. To a certain point.
Then theythey have to start reimbursing us.
They can see, you know, I'm sayingin college, we pay for their phones.
Yeah, yeah, we pay for their phones,we pay for their dental,but yes, like we said,when you get marriedor you graduate college,you got to start.
But we're not paying for college.
We do not pay for college.
We pay for one year of college.
Right after our kidsget back from their mission.
We pay forfor a year of tuition for college.
Yeah. So this is this one's a tough one.
I wonder how the kids feel, because beforeall this stuff has been taken care offor them, because it'sbeen part of the parenting agreementright now, there's a lot of foggy
D things in the middle, and now they'rein the middle trying to navigate this.
So I wonder how that is for them.
I mean, our kids don't even payfor their own gas, which some of you mayjust be gasping rightnow, thinking our kids are entitled.
They are.
They are entitled.
But the reason why,especially for your kids, iswe pay for we have the car,we pay for the repairs, we payfor the registration, and then your expays that pays for their gas.
And that was that's an agreementthat we have with.
Right. With my spouse in agreement
And yeah.
So now like I can't remember what we didwith our other we're not I mean I'mnot I'm really not paying for their gaswhen they come home and use our cars.
I read an agreement about that. Yeah.
So this is an interesting onebecause I don't think any of our kidshave come homeafter their first year for that summer.
Most of them after their first yearof college, they went off on a mission.
I'm trying to think so.
We have a daughter coming homethis summer and she's going to be working.
And we don't have a carfor her to use by herself.
She has to share with her brothers. Yeah.
So that out.
They got to figure that out.
Yeah. She's not,she's not plan on the car.
She's plan B onthe car. Yeah. Right. Right.
So this,this summer is going to bean interesting summerwhen it comes to figuring out who's payingfor gas, who's paying for that.
And yeah, there's a point where I have tosay, well, you know, you're an adult,you're making you're using the car to gomake money.
You should be paying for your own gas.
Yeah. I'm not going to make you payfor insurance.
No, of course not.
Because they're. Using. One of our cars.
And I mean, that's up to her If she wantsto talk to her mom about paying gas.
Right. Like,but we're not paying for our gas.
But yeah, so that's an interest. So yeah.
And things like that, like,you know, if they need if they're.
So what if she comes home.
Okay, She's 18, almost 19.
She turned 19 next weekand says my computer broke.
I need a new computer. that's too bad.
So she would have to buy her own computer.
I'll help her. I'll help her select one.
But she's got to buy her own computer.
She's got plenty of money to do that.
Yeah, that's true. So?
So if our kids have their own,if they have a good enoughlittle pot in the bank.
Well, and then the other side isif they don't have enough money,then I'm like, dumb.
Why don't you have enough money?
You should have, you should have.
You can use one of our computers,but not a laptop.
You can use one of the computersin the kitchen or.
Okay, so likeif our kids that are in high school,we give them a right when they'rewhatever age we give them a phone.our kids a cell phone right.
And ifit says if it's a really terrible phone,maybe we eventually upgrade themto something slightly better,but nothing morethan a couple of hundred dollars.
I think it's
I don't understand when kids, teenagers,are walking around with 1500 dollarsphones.
I don't understand that.
But most of the timewe don't buy him a phone.
They just use our old phones. Yes.
And that's why I was saying, like Sam,his phone broke.
He got into a hot tub with his phoneand we said, okay, well, here'sour old phones that you can choose fromor you can go buy.
Your. Own, your own.
And he chose to go buy his own.
I mean, it's not a great phone at all,but that's what. He chose.
And that's what we would still do.
Like David right now,he also has a phone that is brokenbecause he dropped it or something. How?
And we were like,
Well, here are your options.
You can.
He chose to just stickwith what he has. Yes.
But he does he it's it's I thinkhe's at the point of no return right nowbecause it's not even charging. So he
I think he wants your old phone about nowbecause he doesn't want to buy one.
And we were like that's fine.
Choose from the plethora of old phoneswe have here.
So maybe that'swhat we do with our adult children too.
If, if they need something,we're like, Well, this is what we have.
This is what we're offering.
If it's not, you know what.
You have, It's not what you want.
Then go take care of ityourself. Yes, yes.
And we don't like to buy our kidscomputers, especially if they'regoing to go on a mission, becausewhen that will get them a computer,when they get back from their mission.
Yeah. Things change so quick. Yeah.
And that's always kind of a present.
We've got the kidswhen they get back from their mission,we do buy them a new computeranyway, so.
Yeah, but car insurance,
I mean, we we still payall the car insurancewell.
And we pay car insurance before and,and thenwe got reimbursed sometimes or No,we never did not Car insurance.
No, never.
No. No. I think that was injured.
I think that was in your divorce decreethat you would take care of the cars,right? No.it's not. It's not. We just did.
We just did. Okay.
Okay. Well, that's interesting.
Yeah. So, yeah, we we.
So this is a tough one for for adults.
And you know what? Frankly, I thinkour society today has been cateringto these young adults too muchbecause look at how many peopletheir kids are in collegeand they still pay for everything.
So I can't imagine how it iswith the co-parentingwhen you get that, because you haveno there's no legal responsibility.
Once they're 18 and graduatedfrom high school or 19, that's yeah.
Ah, you don't have to pay for anything.
And like I said, I think that at timesthat puts the kids in the middlebecause they know that that legalresponsibility is gone, is gone.
And now they're like.
Well, this can this can alsomothers have things like kidsplaying their parents against each other.
Hey, I need $400 for this thing at school.
And then they go to the other parentand ask for the same 400.
Well, good for them if they figure that.
All right.
You know, I'm going to I'm going to visit
Mom more than dadbecause Mom's actually paying for things.
That might happen.
Well, it yeah, absolutely might happen.
It might happen.
But yeah, it's very interesting.
But we have to be very carefulabout putting kids in the middle,because sometimes you make decisions aboutare you making the decisionbecause best for the child or are youmaking that decision because you're tryingto still stick it to your ex?
Do you I mean, be careful.
These are don't I know.
But I'm just saying I think you can stillget in the middle of that.
Your and do you know what I mean of thatstill like.
Well just because they turn 18.
Yeah you know flip of a switcheven though legally Right.
That was interestingso when I was told me they have aa nephew that is Down's syndrome.
So when he turns 18, he's an adult.
So the parents had to go to court to,to actually, you know, get rid of his.
I know what's the right word.
He can't take care of himself.
So he had. Guardianship.
So yeah, guardianship.
So his parents had to do thatwhen he was 18.
Otherwise they had no say in what to me,that's, you know, interesting.
Just on your birthday, all of a suddenyour parents have no guardianshipover you at all anymore.
Yeah, yeah, it's kind of crazy.
So and then there's the issue of, like,
David is is our last one at home.
He he's going to beis he's going to be a senior next year.
So we, we have you have always come upwith the schedule Right.
And then your ex approves it and andyou know you you know we change things.
As they. Negotiateand we were talking to our collegedaughter who's coming home.
And you had mentioned her.
You were like, yeah, I only have to doone more summer scheduled this summerbecause then next summer David will be 18,he'll be graduated.
And she was like,
Why aren't you going to do a schedule?
And you're like, No, don't have to.
And she goes,
That's just that's that stress.
I think that stresses them outbecause if there's a schedule,then they're not hurting anyone'sfeelings.
They're just going to follow the schedule.
And well.
In our adult childrenthat are already out,they take advantage of that schedulethat we have with the younger kids thatare under the parenting agreement still,because they just follow it.
They just do whateverthe hell not. It's not asstrict as you know. No.
But the older they get, the lessthey follow it.
But they
I think they still appreciate thatwe had itand so that they could follow
It makes things a lot easier.
Like, okay, we'll be with you Mondayand Tuesday and then we'll be with mom,you know, Wednesday and Thursdaylike that.
Just it makes things a little easier.
So this is going to be very interestingnext year.
Yeah, she said, she says,well she goes, if it were meshe was, I would make up a schedule.
I mean like just like, here'sthe schedule that I'm going to.
So we'll see.
We'll see what she does this summerbecause she doesn't have to adhereto the schedule that we come up.
She doesn't I think she plansto mostly follow it, but but be a little.
Flex, you. Know, flexible.
Yeah, I think that that's what she's.
So this is an interesting transitionfor us.
It really is.
It really is.
I'm excited about the transition.
I think I've more excited than you are.
When we were just walking todayand I said in five months,half the time we're going to be.
Nest, empty nesters,which I know a lot of blended families.
You've been doing that for years and yearswhile we've always had Sam full time.
So we've alwayswe've always had somebody here.
So it's going to be new for us to be.
And I'm just like.
And then nine months later.
David Yeah, or a year later, a year.
Later, yeah.
David David's going to be gone.
Will be full time empty nesters.
Yeah, well,our grandkids were coming to visit.
That's right.
And as you can see,if what you need to take away fromthis episodeis we really don't have things worked out.
No. As wehave told you in many of our episodes,we are not experts now.
We are. Living free.
We are just sharing our experiencesas we're going through it.
And as you can tell,even though we have done this wholeadult thing, how many timeswe're still like, What should we do?
How do we handle this?
Like. Well,sometimes it depends on the kid.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Sometimes it does.
So yeah.
So we are juststill trying to figure it out.
Still trying to figure it out.
All right.
Or lemonade.
More of the week has to do with a oncein a lifetime experience, At least for me.
This is something
I've always wanted to experience.
Yes. So, Darren, was he really wantedto go see the total eclipse now?
I was hesitant, Yeah, becausewe got back the week of the total eclipseor the week before, I guess.
Anyway,we got back from Europe on a Tuesday nightand you wanted tothen leave on Saturdaymorning at 5:30 a.m.to leave againto go to Texas to see the eclipse.
And I was just like,boy. Well, I just want you to experienceseeing a stack of rocksat Stonehenge and then seeing a big rockmove in front of the sun.
That's all I wanted.
You know,exhilarating.
Seeing the stack of rocks at Stonehenge.
Well, what about the big rockin front of the sun?
That was cool.
That was.
That was actually very. That was.
It was awesome.
But I am I am glad that we decidedto do it because it was so it was funny.
We get there and, you know, luckilythe total eclipse was in Austin,where our grandbaby is and our.
Daughter, son and daughter. In law.
And then we had another daughterand her husband comingbecause they wanted to see the eclipse.
So we were going to be visitingwith them for the weekend.
But the morning of the eclipse.
It was cloudy. Complete cloud cover.
And we're sitting there goingand our son in law said,we're not going to get to see it.
And I you know, I was just like,you know what?
It's still been a great weekend.
We have been ableto spend this weekend with hergrandbaby is just about the cutest thingon the planet. He's so cute.
Now check out our website.
You can see pictures.he's adorable.
And we got to spend time with our kids.
And so it was great.
And then like 30 minutesbefore the total eclipse,the clouds part completely.
Yeah. I was.
Pretty angry until about 10 minutesafter the eclipseclouds back like,
It wasit was much more moving than I thoughtit was going to be.
It was. It was it was really cool.
I mean, it got dark,
The birds stopped chirping.
It was cool.
It was super cool. So cool.
But even if we would have not have seenthe eclipse,we still got to spend timewith our family, play with that keyboard.
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Go outand make some lemonade. You betcha, baby.