#1.4 There is No Step in Grandma and Grandpa - Extending the blended family across multiple generations

on Wed Mar 13 2019 06:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
with Darren W Pulsipher, Paige Pulsipher,
How do you extend your blending family through the generations? Our parents showed us through their example of accepting and bringing our blended family directly into our family. We have learned as we are starting to add grandchildren that who they biologically belong to really does not matter. In this episode, we talk about how to make the blending extended beyond just our family. We have found that there is no step in Grandma and Grandpa, or Aunt and Uncle.
How do you extend your blending family through the generations? Our parents showed us through their example of accepting and bringing our blended family directly into our family. We have learned as we are starting to add grandchildren that who they biologically belong to really does not matter. In this episode, we talk about how to make the blending extended beyond just our family. We have found that there is no step in Grandma and Grandpa, or Aunt and Uncle.

Our two Grandbabies (Emma Jane and Zoey Anne)
Extending the blended family across multiple generations
- Our parents - Grandparents accepting the blended family
- Becoming Grandparents in a blended family
- Tips on Grandparenting
Our parents have accepted the new step grandkids as their own.
- One of the great gifts that our parents gave us when we got married was accepting our kids as their gran2kids. This has given the kids a sense of belonging in a period of chaos and uncertainty.
- Darren’s Mom gives out $100 for each grandkid that can kiss her on the forehead. The day we got married she gave one of Paige’s kids $100 because he could.
- Darren’s Mom makes quilts for each grandkid and now great-grandchild. With the addition of our grandchildren, she has not missed a beat.
- Paige’s Mom made ornaments for all of the grandkids and included Darren’s kids on the first Christmas.
- Birthday cards and presents for all of our kids. Graduation, weddings, etc. Both of our parents have done this. The kids feel apart of their now extended family.
- Paige's Dad hand writes letters to our kids on missions. Every week. Like he has done with all of his grandkids.
- That inclusion was a big deal for Paige and Darren and the kids as well.
Bringing Grandkids into the Blended Family
- Nothing brings a family closer together than a baby being born.
- Establishing traditions for all of the grandkids.
- That has been true for our kids and us. With the birth of our first grandbaby. All of the kids became instant Aunts and uncles. No step-uncles or step-aunts.
- Watch out for your grandkids not understanding that not all of their aunts and uncles will always be there because of custody.
- There are no step grandkids (No yours, or mine)
- There is no Step in Grandma and Grandpa. Our little grandbaby just calls us Grandma with (Heidi and Buster our dogs) and Grandpa.
- She loves beyond the boundaries of the families.
- Married kids have really made it seem like we are one family, not multiple families coming together.
- Older kids have really made this one family.
Tips about being a Grandparent
- Being a Grandparent is very rewarding, and we love how much joy we get from seeing our children raise the next generation.
- Being a parent is different than being a grandparent.
- Let your kids learn how to parent with their kids.
- Only give advise when asked (Hard to hold your tongue, sometimes)
- Remember you are not your grandkids parent.
- Have fun with your Grandkids, it is ok to spoil but don’t counteract your kid's wishes. No matter how weird or bizarre they may seem.
- You still need to set boundaries with your grandkids and your kids.
Funny Moment of the Week
- Emma a telling Rachel that she wanted to hold Zoey first before anyone else.

Ornaments from Paige's Mom

Quilt from Darren's Mom