#1.29 Girl's Trips? Heck yes!

on Wed Sep 11 2019 07:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
with Darren W Pulsipher, Paige Pulsipher,
In this episode, Darren and Paige cover the importance of Girl's trips, the emotions of the husband left behind.
In this episode, Darren and Paige cover the importance of Girl's trips, the emotions of the husband left behind.
History of Girls trips
- From 1993 to 2008 the number of "Girl's Trips" grew by 230%. From 2008 to 2019 it more than doubled again.
- 25% of adult women have taken a girl's trip in the last 3 years
- 40% of adult women plan to take a girl's trip in the next 3 years
- Paige's girl's trips.
Purpose of Girls Trips
- A much needed break for me from my family
- Reconnecting with friends
- Rejuvenate
- Teaching kids the value of good friendships
- Quality time with dad
- They miss me
- I miss them
Emotions around Girls Trips
- A story about when Paige and Darren saw a girls trip that seemed out of control.
- When you are the one left behind you might have feelings of jealousy, fear, trust
- https://www.southernliving.com/healthy-living/benefits-vacation-with-friends
- http://www.nbcnews.com/id/24114207/ns/travel-seasonal_travel/t/girlfriends-getaways-booming-trend-travel/#.XXXZfShKiUk
- https://burlingtonvt.citymomsblog.com/2015/11/12/girlfriends-getaways-important/
- https://gutsytraveler.com/women-travel-statistics-women-travel-expert/