#1.10 Family Heritage Tour

on Wed Apr 24 2019 21:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
with Darren W Pulsipher, Paige Pulsipher,
Family Heritage Roadtrips help give your kids a sense of belonging and roots. With a blended family, it can be tricky if you don't plan things out carefully. This episode is a travel episode of our Heritage road, find out what worked well for us and did not.

Family Heritage Roadtrips help give your kids a sense of belonging and roots. With a blended family, it can be tricky if you don't plan things out carefully. This episode is a travel episode of our Heritage road, find out what worked well for us and did not.
Why a heritage road trip?
- It gives the kids a sense of roots and belonging
- How do you handle a heritage road trip when one family is from one part of the country and the other is from somewhere else?
- Finding a common heritage by going to American History sites that we can all relate too
- Church History sites brought all of us together
Ideas for riding in the car for so so long...
- Listen to a book that we can all get behind
- Paige always looks at articles for best young adult books
- We like Gordon Korman - Restart good book
- Anna Sheehan's book A Long, Long Sleep - really interesting
- Listen at 1.25x speed. Otherwise, it is too slow for us
- Paige always looks at articles for best young adult books
- Find a book or podcast to listen to about where you are going
- We should have listened to some of the histories of where we were going before we got there.
- We listened after we visited the sites and that helped cement the memory of going to the sites after the fact
- Music is always a great way to go.
- Have your playlist set up that everyone knows
- Have multiple playlists for different kids or moods you want to set. Quiet, loud, bored, etc...
- Kids get to take turns picking a song or their song list
- Quiet time
- Food glorious food in the car
- Dunkin Donuts are everywhere in MA. So we decided to stop and get something for breakfast and 25 donut holes for "on the road" snacking. A 12 and 13-year-old boy can easily eat 25 donut holes given the opportunity.
- Make sure you hold some food back for yourselves if you have teenagers in the car
- I cleaned up the car before dropping it at the rental car place. Not fair. It took me about 5 minutes just to get the garbage out of the car. Next time the kids need to do it. It will teach them to not make such a big mess.
- Sometimes we need to take a break from just listening to the books, replace with quiet time, music, etc..
- No electronics during the car ride. This was a new road trip for us and we wanted the kids to see and experience the scenery, and roadside attractions.
At the destination
Weather in the spring can change dramatically from day to day. Check your handy weather app on your phone daily. Make sure you plan for bad weather and good weather (cold and warm)
- The weather was not great for parts of our trip but we still did what we had planned
- Crane beach in the cold and wind
- Boston in the rain. (We drove the freedom trail instead of walked it)
- Umbrellas were essential for our trip. We could have used some better rain gear and better shoes for the rain
- At breakfast, we always talked about the plan for the day, what we were going to see, why it was important, and what we were hoping to get out of the visit
- We did not plan for every hour, we left for some flexibility so we can discover and explore at the different sites. We had a general plan and a list of items we wanted to do
- Be ok with taking extra time at a location if one of your kids is fixated with the location or event there. Don't be so stuck on a schedule
- Take lots of pictures. We love looking at the pictures of our trips. It brings back memories of the fun times we had together and our experiences
- Record what you saw and experienced during your trip not just at the end
Funny moment of the week
- Listen to the kids record funny moments on the trip.