#5.13 How Young is too Young to Leave Your Kids Alone?

on Wed Aug 23 2023 08:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
with Darren W Pulsipher, Paige Pulsipher,
Darren & Paige, the hosts of Where's the Lemonade? recently sparked debate with their episode discussing whether leaving young kids unattended is okay. While opinions vary on appropriate ages and circumstances, most agree child maturity levels differ.
Viral Story Prompts Discussion
State Laws and Judgment Calls
Most states allow parents discretion, with no set ages dictating readiness. The hosts agree each child matures differently, so fixed rules are unwise. While vigilance is vital, granting needed independence should be weighed carefully rather than judged harshly. Open minds and compassion for others allow thoughtful discussion on this complex issue.
Lemonade Moment of the week
The boys are headed back to school, which gives more structure to our lives, but we are also losing another kid to College this year. We will miss having Madeline around.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_in_the_United_States#
- https://www.pennlive.com/news/2019/07/attempted-abductions-by-strangers-is-very-rare-expert.html
Podcast Transcript
This topic came aboutbecause you were reading your newsreelsand you read this watch and.
Yeah, mostly.
Mostly watching your newsreels.
And you came across this.
Oh, it was flame bait.
It was all over.
All over the Internet, right?
Yeah, It was an article aboutwhat was an article.
It was a real that someone had postedabout how she was at SeaWorld.
And she noticed thatthere is a childstanding there, a 7 to 8 year old.
She wasn't exactly sure.
Standing there next to a stroller that hadwhat she thought was aa1 month old.
And they were alone for several minutes.
And then it was like
So she walks over there and is like,what's going on?
And this little girl is like,
My parents are on a roller coaster.
And this man was like, What?
Well, wait, wait.
You said seven years old.
But it waswe were not sure how old she was.
In the article.
She says seven, seven, ten, nine.
Okay. Well, let's talk about that first.
Yes, there's a huge difference betweena seven year old and a nine year old.
Huge difference.
I mean, that's 20% of their life or well,what, 18% of their life to that point?
That's a big difference, right?
I mean, there's a lot of maturitybetween a nine year old and a seven.
Oh, I mean, huge, honestly, especiallyif she was just seven or almost ten.
Yeah, right. That's huge. So,
I don't know.
This lady just said a 7 to 9 year old.
So that yes, that is a huge difference.
She ends up standing therewith the little girland the newborn parents were gonefor 25 minutes.
So this person says.
Okay, so 25 minutes.
All right.
So this lady gets SeaWorldemployee involved.
You know,she waits until the parents get there.
And, you know, she'she's very upset that they've been left.
We're 25.
So we decided we would talk about this.
So what do you think? What what'swhat's your opinion on my.
First opinion is my job.
Mind your own business.
But at the same time, a seven year old.
A ten year old. Okay, maybe.
And how old was the baby?
How old?
She said she thought the baby look likea newborn, that she thought maybe a month.
She wasn't sure of either age.
She was. Yes. All right.
So and then sheshe said the baby was crying.
And and so I know.
That's one of those. Hard right now.
My first gut reaction is mindyour own business.
But then my my second gut reaction wouldbe, ah, then, you know, I think about it.
It's like, all right, you've abandonedyour child to go on a rollercoaster.
Hey, it's also be a really good rollercoaster.
Well, maybe it waswhile you like roller coasters.
I don't. Yeah, so.
But I mean, so what?
So the lady that posted it,obviously she was concerned.
Right nowthere was a lotof mixed reactions to her posting this.
Right. Right.
So there were reactions of what you justsaid.
Mind your own business.
Why are you getting in people's business?
I would say 80% of the reaction, though,was how dare, how dare these peopleleave their children?
How dare these people leave themto go on a roller coaster?
How selfish can you be?
Yes, he I had both of those emotionsin a very short period time.
So. Yeah.
So. Okay. So let's say for.
All right, what got one more?
Did she nameor take pictures of these kidsor was that on the Internetor just no story?
She did not know there was no nameand there was.
Nope, There was no gate.
The camera was was pacing like the groundbecause she didn't want the kids right.
Oh, so it was a video reel?
It was a video.
Yes, it was a video video reel.
And it was like facing the groundthe whole time.
So which was the right thing to do, right?
Yeah, that's.
That's different.
She has no businessposting. Yeah. No, no, no, no.
These kids faces or even their parents.
Right. Right.
So the camera was, like, facing downthe. Whyis it so why is that so different for you?
Why is a video different than an article?
Because it makes it more real.
Okay. You know what I mean?
Because if it's an article, it's postfacto.
I, i, i, this is what happened.
But a videoshe's like in the moment doing it. Yes.
So or.
Like,you know that she's telling the truthmore than an article you're like, oh, but.
Possibly possibly you didn't see the kids.
No, but I mean you you,you saw like the feet of the kid.
You saw the stroller,
Like she was just making surethat she wasn't showing their face.
Yeah, yeah, that that was tricky.
Why? Why did she get the video out?
Oh, well.
Why do you think.
To have something beat on on the. Ground?
She could get some foul.
I mean, obviously,if she just cared about the kids,she wouldn't have pulled her video out.
You know what I mean?
Oh, cause.
She, you know, wanted some of themviews of views, Right?
Like, you know, parents leave childrento go on roller coaster, right?
That's the.
That's the. Yeah, that's the tagline.
So, yes, if she just was concerned,the video would not have come out.
All right. But yeah.
All right.
So let'sright or wrong, whatever she did. Yes.
Let's talk about what is the youngest agethat you can leave?
Well, first of all, okay.
I want to know,would we have done something like thatif we went to that?
We've never been to zerowith the little kid, you and I.
No, no, no. We've been to Legoland.
We've been to Disneyland.
We've been to Universal. No, we wouldn't.
We would. I would never.
Know. I would never.
But you know what?
And we talked about this earlier.
In other countries, they leave their kidsoutside all the time. Yes.
Was it Finland, mainland? Yeah.
Like they literally the coffee shopsjust have strollers lined up outsideand they're not empty.
The strollers have you know,they have their babies in them.
It's like what is going on.
So yeah, that'sa they have a very safe country as well.
Very safe country.
That's something we're going to get toas well. Well, all right.
They have a very safe.
But that's also part of their culture,right?
You the kids don't belonginside the restaurant.
They bring in their strollers.
They're not eating.
Yeah, right.
I mean. They're these are babies.
These are. Babies. They're babies.
They're living next doorand they're supposedly napping.
And it's just it's not even a thought.
They'reyou just leave your sleeping, baby.
So is it is it that our society is sooverly cautious because we'reall concerned about child abductionand things like that?
Is is that the case?
I yes. And,you know, I was just talking toone of our kidsabout this the other day,and I was saying,is there more kidnapings nowthan there was when we were kids?
Yeah, right. When we were kids.
Or is it the same number?
But we have the Internet now. All right.
So what did our kids say?
Every single child abductionwe know about, right?
I mean, if there's one.
Yeah, we know about itbecause we have Internet.
We didn't know about it before.
Unless you happento read it in the newspaper or write.
Or was on the news, it was big,you. Know, It was on the. News.
All right.
So what's the what's the what did she say?
Or he.
I don't know who you talkto. You don't. Tell me.
Yeah, they were like,
I bet there's more nowbecause we live in a scary world, right?
Oh, yeah.
So since we're talking about that,
I did some research.
Out the research departments out again.
Their research departmentis in the building, so
I didsome research on Kidnapingsand I will tell you,depending on where you look, it'skind of all over the place.
Like there's different statisticsdepending on which website youand it was confusing.
It was confusing, I will say that.
But you got toyou got to the real statistics though,that are that arethat are from the FBI, right? Yes.
I got Wikipedia, which of course that.
Yeah, that's. Reliable.
So Wikipedia says fewer than 350people under the age of 21are abducted in the street by strangersin the United States per year.
Now there's like 10 to 20000kids abducted,but typically by a family member.
In typically a parent. Yes, a parent or.
Right. Someone they know.
So that was 350.
Now, another site that I went to,another articlethat I believe was an articlethat was posted, and it was like onethat the FBI led me to.are abducted by strangers on averageper year.
Wow. That's a lotless than what I thought.
Yes. Still sad.
Very, very sad. Horrific.
Horrific to have that happen.
However, that's minusculethat you have a better chance of.
I don't even know, like.
Getting hit by lightning.
Yeah. I mean. It's there's lots.
Well, so because I did some ancillaryresearch, just yes,there were some numbers out there saying
So I you when you told me that,you told me what about this number?
So those arethose are people reported missing.
So people call and say, oh, my 15 yearold is missing and has run away.
Those are those are reported missing.
But then but real abduction.
But real abductions.
But then, you know, people call and say,oh, you know.
Because if you go to and there'slots of sites out there that are tryingto do the right thing and helpin these abductions and prevention.
But they put the big number up there.
Yeah, right.
So that's another interesting thingabout the Internet and all the plain baitthat's out there.
Instagram and Yes, and Twitteror X or Threads nowis they put that 180,000 and it's like,
Oh, it's fear.
Oh, my goodness.
I have a one in 500 chance or one in 2000chance of getting abductedor my kids getting up.
Doctor that is.
And that is that is you're rightthey're putting fear into your.
So all right.
If everyone knew what the real numberwas. 32.
Or let's. Say anything.
Yeah. Let's even make it 50.
Would people be more okay with leavinga seven yearold to watch a little baby for 20 minutes?
Oh, and wait.
I didn't finish that statistic.
And the statistics of stranger abductionin an amusement parkis pretty much nothing like it's really.
Yes, because I went furtherto look into that.
It's almost nothing.
Like there wasn't even really a statistic,because it just.
It just doesn't happen.
It doesn't happen. Well, so they.
Can see that because a child would startyelling or a child would.
Right. Right.
And there's so many strangerdanger of stranger. Yeah.
So they were saying those 20 to 30 kidsthat are typically kidnaped by a stranger.
It is usually when they're walking homealone, they're they're alone.
While the child from school.
Yes. Almost alwaysthe child is alone when they're kid.
So they saidto be kidnaped out in the parkor just doesn't it doesn't happen.
It has happened, but there's not evenit hasn't happened enough to even have.
To have a yearly statistics. Yeah.
All right. So this is really interesting.
If we were empoweredwith more information,would we Interesting.
Would we be more okay withwould there be a debate on the.
All right.
So you did additional research onthere are actually laws around.
Yes. On on leaving children alone. Yes.
So I went and looked.
And every state is different.
Every state has their own laws,you know, about what?
What the ages.
And how long.
And for leaving your child at home.
And guess what?
Most states have the law of.
It's the parent's decision.
Yes. There's no like, oh, 12 years oldthere.
There is a few states that have that.
But most statesit says that it is the parent's decisionbecause every child different,every circumstance is different.
And we have some examples of that.
Yeah, right.
So in my kids before we got married,my kids,my second child was always left in charge.
Right. You have the same thing.
Well, yes, I would tell my second childthat I would tellmy oldest child that she was in charge,and then I would take my second childand go here really intact.
And only because not because my secondchild was super irresponsible.
She was just like, Hey, parents are goneand she just did her own thing.
You didn't really payattention to the other kidsbecause she was just doing well.
So we were a little more prompt.
We said, Matthew,you're in charge of yourself, right?
You're in charge of the little overkids. Right.
And I think downwas probably ten at the time. Yeah.
And we go away for a couple hours. Right.
And, you know,and they had our cell phone number.
Yes. Of course.
So that's and it's personalitieslike Roblox personnel.
My second child, Rachel,she is a Type A personality.
She had to be in control. Yeah.
She was just like, you know,what do you need to do, Mom? I'll do it.
I'll make sure the doors are locked,
I'll cook dinner,
I'll clean it up like a man is likeman has such a laid back personality,which is such a blessingin so many areas of lifethat she's just like,whatever your mom is. So.
So I like that.
That it's up to the parentsand it's different for every child.
And it's different in situationslike if you might getthis might be called on youbecause you left your eight yearold at home with your three yearold for 10 hours.
Like, oh, that's so situational, right?
Like now, is that considered neglectbecause you left those two young childrenat home.
Now, if you left the home for an hour,
I don't think anybody would.
You know,
I mean, so it's it's situational.
It's yeah, but on children.
Yeah, but so what?
It's not against the lawthen to leave your children in a lot of.
Most states it is notit is based on situation.
You know if the children get hurtwhile you're gone,that could be child endangerment, right?
It could be.
So you still have to be carefulbecause the police can still charge youwith something. Right.
And we start talking about thisin a blended family.
Are you more cautious about.
Oh, absolutely.
Because you don't want to give your exany more ammunition to go to.
Court. To go to custody.
I mean, of course,you don't want your children to get hurt,so of course you're being cautious.
But I think we were even more cautiousin a blended.
I think that's pretty normal. Yeah.
I mean, because especiallyin the early,early days of separation. Yes.
And things like that. Yeah.
Your and your lawyers are feeding this,by the way.
The lawyers, you know. Yes.
Another conflict,another six minute email, another $100.
There's a lot of conflict and contentionat the beginning.
So you are ultra cautious. Yes.
And you're also looking forare they doing things I wouldn't do right.
Or maybe together we would do.
Yes, exactly.
But individually, being ultra cautious.
Now we're like picking aparteverything that our ex is doing, right?
Like, how dare you do that?
Even though youmaybe would have done that.
But, you know, we made.
Our child walk home from school. Right?
Like these thingsthat maybe would have beenokay if you were married,but you're looking for every little thingto be upset about,especially in the early days of a divorce.
Yeah. So?
So and that's all fed by fear that we'reseeing statistics on the Internet.
How long did it take you to actuallyresearch it and find it real numbers?
Well, all thenumbers were numbers, but they werewere they half truths?
Yeah, they were. Yeah. Like the 180,000.
I was like, oh my gosh.
And then when you start reading the fineprint, it's 180,000.
Are the reports.
So I called because my child was missing,but then my child was found.
Yeah, he was right.
He was at the neighbor's house, right?
So his dad picked him upfrom. School yesterday, 180,000.
That also includesparent parental abductors.
So once you get into the fineprint, can only take me 10 minutes.
Like it's not hard.
But we live in such a fear based societynow, don't you think?
Oh, yeah.
We're paranoid or paranoid.
Yeah, we're afraid now.
But we have more informationthan we've ever had before.
And I think that's scary.
I do.
Well, so is that because people are peoplearen't researching it and they propagate.
They propagate lie I shouldn't saylies because that's too strong a word.
Yeah, but they propagate myths,appropriated data.
Latest example is when the news,
CNN and FOX both did it.
So both sides of the political spectrumreportedthat the straw usage in the United States.
Oh, you're right for that. Yeah.
And no one could pinpointwhere the data came from.
And the straw manufacturers are like,no, we don't produce a half a trillionstraws.
So where are they all.
Like we actually did.
Exactly. Nice.
And it came because of a fourth gradereport up in New Hampshire.
And I'm like, oh, my goodness.
Is no one checking sources anymore?
Well, or they'rethey just look like the taglines, right?
They look at the clickbait, like, hereit is like,
I don't know, 80,000children are reported missing in a year.
That's true. That is true.
But how many actually were abducted?
So a small number.
I'm glad it's a small number. Me too.
I wish it was zero.
Yes, I wish it was zero zero.
I can't imagine the trauma and theoh of having your child attacked.
I can't even imagine or horrific.
But as a society, we'vewe've kind of injected a lot of fear.
Now, at the same time,
I would not do that.
And I asked why.
I asked our daughter Rachel,who has three children, seven, four and.
Two. Yeah.
I asked her.
Would she do that. Would she do that?
And she said, no, we would not do that.
Not not at an amusement park.
She would not leave her kids homealone and at a public place, right?
Absolutely not. They would not.
Okay. But if she was nine.
Yeah, I mean, maybe nine or ten.
Especially Emma, my oldest granddaughter.
Yes, he is.
Shout out to Emma. Yes.
He's so responsible for his man. Yes.
So maybe nine or ten. I mean, I don'tshe doesn't know Rachel didn't.
She's like she's not there yet.
I mean, she's not there.
So she was just like, right now.
No, I absolutely wouldn't leave.
Emma, who's seven, getting close to eight.
You wouldn't leave her with.
With Mitchell.
With the Mitchells, too.
But even with a newborn that she would.
Yeah. To go on a roller coaster.
And you know what?
So and so in that role that she put up,she waited until the parents came,which apparently, allegedlyit was 25 minutes.
And when the parent showedup, the parents,you know,she's yelling at the parents, Right.
Is being what they call a Karen. Right.
They the parents called her andthey wereshe was getting more and more angrybecause the parents were laughing at her.
They were just like,okay, like everything's fine.
You're like mine. You okay?
And they were laughing.
And she was just like,it was just you have that is,when you're mad and someone'slaughing at you, you're infuriated.
So it was just making her more in fury,hated. And.
But was it against the law, what they did?
No, no, I don't think it was like
SeaWorld's interests come out.
Well, there's also there's there'sthe question on was she being noseyor was being concernedand being a good citizen.
Because there's a fine line there.
Yeah, right.
There's a fineline of am I getting too involved?
But like I said to me,
I mean, I don't know this lady at all, butonce her camera came out,
I feel like she waswent from being less concerned and more.
Well, all right.
So I guess.
If we were concerned,what would we have done?
We IPRA So that would haveif I would have noticed that, yeah,
I probably would have stood offto the side watching it all play outto see if if I was neededand when are the parents coming.
And I probably would have done that.
I probably would not,unless that seven or two nine year oldlooked likethey were starting to freak out,then I probably would, but
I probably would have just stood aside.
And why?
Yes. And not chastise the parentswhen they come back.
I don't I'mnot really a chastising of people.
I don't know.
Like, I it's not really my thing.
I mean, I don't to.
School in in in this in this respectbeing a good persondoesn't mean you have to chastisesomeone else.
No, but.
You can be concerned and watch.
Right. And be cognizant. Yes.
So what's going onin case something did happen,like maybe the baby's having a hardtime. Yes.
Yeah. Or, you know, Yeah.
Then you could be there to help.
So I haveto call the police on someone before.
Which you have. Yes.
It was.
I went to, I think TJ Maxxprobably 12 or 13 years ago.
It was in the heat of the summer.
And I walked by this carand there is two little kids.
There's like a probably a six month oldand maybe a two and a half yearold in their car,buckled in their car, seats in the car.
And the windows were like,you know, a little bit rolled down.
Not too much because, you know,they don't want someone be ableto reach in and grab their child,but they want enough airthat's probably 85 degrees outside.
And so I went and got and the kids weren'tcrying when I walked by.
I went and got in my carand I waited for like 5 minutes.
No one came outand I called the police.
I called 911 because I had no ideahow long they had been sitting there.
But I knew it had been at least 5 minutes.
And to me, that's too long.
You should not be leavingyour babies in the car.
I mean,maybe if it was like one minute,if you had to run in and return a video.
Look, I'mgoing back to Blockbuster. On No block.
If you hadno right, of courseyou ran right back to your car.
Yes, I've done that.
Or run into the cleaners,grab your stuff. Ran right back.
Gone for a minute.
So the cops came.
By the time the cops came,it had been 15 minutesand the mom still hadn't come out right.
As the cops pulledin, the mom starts walking out. So.
So it had been a minimum of 15 minutesand they're talking to me.
And then she comes outand she was not happyat all that we should.
And I was like, You bet.
And then she's like,
I've only been there for 5 minutes.
And I'm like, Well, that is a liebecause it's been at least 15 minutes.
And anyway, and then I excused myselfand left her to talk to the police.
I have no idea what happenedbecause I don't want to be that nosy.
I there was nothing for me to do anymore,and I don't need to reprimand this mom.
So if there's this about 13 years ago,there were some very highprofile casesabout that time of some children dying.
All right. Because the same thing.
So do you think that influencedyour decision to do something
I mean, yeah, probably.
I mean, I just. Yes,because it was top of mind. Yeah.
Just seeing kids in a hot car,you know, it's kind of like I said,for longer because I was like, Oh,maybe she just ran in real quick.
But yeah, like I said, after 5 minutes,like all.
That, that reminds me of an old story of amy mom leaving us in the car.
But it was Christmas time. Yeah.
So not hot. Not hot. Right.
But we didn't have our shoes on because wemy mom was putting together aa Christmas party for my dad's office.
And as little kids,we took all the bulbs off the treeand threw them in the corner.
Naturally,we would do that. Yeah, we were.
We were. Yeah.
So my mom rounded uskids up, put us in the carand drove us to Longs
Drug and left us in the car.
And then she went in to get more ornament.
I would have left you inthe car as well. Well, yeah.
I would, but.
We didn't have. We both have a. Terriblechildren and.
We didn't have our shoes on or,you know, coatsbecause my mom just said I'm in a hurry,
I got to get this done.
So my oldest sister, Darlene,
I'm spilling the tea.
So my family, if they're listening.
And Eileen, if you have the. Real truth.
The real truth,you call me and you tell meand I'll make sureit's on the next podcast.
He's if he's dialing,exaggerating the story.
Darlene takes myselfand I think Dana and we go into.
The hallway, How old are you?
I don't. Probably eight.
You were eight?
No, I was probably six.
Darlene was probably.
Eight. So eight. Six and and or four.
Okay. Right.
And the other kid,
I don't know where the other kids were.
Probably left at home with Alan. Yeah.
So we she holds us into long strug.
Which is next to the mall and the mallcop comes up and says, Where's your mom?
She goes, Darlene told her she hates us.
She abandoned.
Oh, my. Yeah.
The deadliness. Oh, yeah. What the. Heck.
So, yeah,there's a whole story behind that.
Darlene, I need your rebuttal.
I need your rebuttal.
Oh, What?
Yeah. Oh, of course.
We didn't have our shoes on or coats.
So was your mom just beyond livid?
Well, they called over Longsdrugs and said, you know, asomeone have who's the parent of Darlene,
Darrin and Danaand my mom,he was livid.
I'd love to hear.
That's my recollection of the story.
She must have been really lividbecause the whole reason she wasthere was because you.
Because you broke all the ornaments.
Oh, my. So, yeah, I want to hear.
I want to hear this.
So this is your memory of it?
This is. My memory.
I don't remember the incident happening.
I kind of vaguely.
Yeah, but I rememberthe story being told several.
Okay, So. Yes.
So I want your mom and your sister. Okay.
Have to come.
On their version of events, but.
Okay, so. So let's talk. So.
So basically,
I think what we're getting down to isevery child is different,every act, right?
I mean, like some kids are readyto be left home alone at tenand some kids aren't ready to be left homealone until 12 or 14.
I don't you know what I mean?
Like, you have to make that decisionas a parent.
Well, and also,
I think the other thing is, is wewe need to not be so afraidof everything fine,because we infusethat fear into our childrenand they become paralyzed.
They can't make decisions.
They can't do things.
And just some accurate knowledgeor full knowledge.
Do a little bit of extra researchwhen you see a statisticbecause there's more behind.
It and maybe instead of
I mean, I hate using the word Karen,maybeinstead of us being parents to each other,how about
I mean, maybe we can extend our kindnessinstead of our wrath and our judgment?
Yeah, right.
Like that.
So and so just. Standing there and. And.
Watching out quietlywithout any recognition.
Let'ssee if these kids might need some help.
And in the parents get back,if you if you want to say, you know,hey, I just want you know,
I was hanging aroundparents might get mad at youor the parents might thank you, but.
Or say nothing if everything was okay.
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm just saying,maybe if we had a little more kindnessin our heartsinstead of trying to be judgmental.
And and get some clickbait on the. Yes.
So I'm pretty. Yeah. No, I grewour lemonade moment of the week.
It's that time of year again.
I cannot believe that this summer went byand the kids started school this weeklike, why.
Not all the kids start at school?
No, we have a junior and a senior,so our two boys started school this weekand it actually it it made me kind of sadbecause I felt like the summerwent by so fast that I was just like,
It's back to the rat race now.
I mean, I barely have seen Sam this weekbecause he went from school to work to,
I mean, like, yeah, and, you know,the other kids were at their mom's housethis week coming back over today.
So I didn'thave I wasn't missing themin the same way that I was missing Sam.
But yeah, it'skind of back to the rat race.
And and we're losing one child.
I don't want to talk about that.
So that's the limits.
Our our oldest at home is getting readyto head out to college shortly.
And that's going to be.
Can be brutalbecause Paige will be outnumbered.
That sad day to lose my girl.
What am I going know is going to besurrounded by a bunch of boys?
Yeah. Very different. Right, Madeline?
How'd your day go?
And I actually get details, boys.
How'd your day go? Yeah.
All right, man. Okay.
Nothing. Nothing else.
You're going to give me anything?
Anything at all?
I kind of had a talk with Sam todayand said,
I'm going to need a little more from you.
Like, if you know, Madeline's leaving meand I'm going to need you to talk to mesome more.
He was like, Okay, Mom,if you like today's episode.
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And but most of all.
Go outand make some lemonade. You betcha, baby.