#2.17 When Kids get Married in a Blended Family

on Tue Aug 25 2020 18:21:52 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
with Darren W Pulsipher, Paige Pulsipher,
Find out how to throw a COVID-19 wedding when children of a blended family get married. Something that could be over the top stressful turns out to be wonderful and very low stress. Thank you Jacob and Andie.

Find out how to throw a COVID-19 wedding when children of a blended family get married. Something that could be over the top stressful turns out to be wonderful and very low stress.
Blended Family twist
- Wedding Invitations ( What names go on the invite, etc... Whose name goes first, etc...)
- Who is paying for what at the wedding, grooms family pays but which set of parents on the grooms family, who do you ask for what
- Pictures. Who is going to be in the pictures?
- Lists sent out ahead of time on who is going to be in the pictures.
- The Step-Parents get into the pictures together. Funny moment.
- Rehearsal dinner, Who sits next to who.
- Who are they going to stay with when prepping for things?
- Our side has double the number of a parent than the other side
- Who is sitting next to who at the parents' table?
- We felt for the bride's family as they have to deal with two sets of parents and not knowing the dynamics between the couples.
COVID Restrictions
- Limited in the Temple to 6 people then up to 16 people. Ability to adjust quickly to handle the changes.
- Limited to 30 people for the Ring ceremony
- Low-stress evening.
- Rehearsal Dinner the night before.
- Finding a restaurant to handle the group means making adjustments. Eating at 3pm instead of in the evening.
- The kids still got everything that they wanted, but at a smaller more intimate.
- Bridal Shower, Ring Ceremony, Pictures, Dancing, Wedding Cake, Sparklers,
- Jacob even had a bachelor party with his brothers.
Lemonade Moment of the Week
- We had a car breakdown when driving from Southern California. It has be in Los Banos for two weeks and we picked it up today and it is working fine. $100 Diagnostics. Thanks Car Guys.